Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I must agree with Emma's post in that Flaubert is decently treacherous to read, or at least to start. I can only pick up on his comical style every once and a while, and honestly, I don't find it that funny. He's pretty good at descriptions though, for I can totally envision the characters, but I'm surely hoping for something a little more engaging to happen...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Flaubert vs. Bronte

So far-- I'm having a great deal of trouble reading Flaubert's novel Madame Bovary. Whether it be the style of his writing, a slow plot, or my short attention span, I've found that it takes severe concentration on my part to get into the text--and once I DO, after merely a page, a paragraph or even a sentence later, my thoughts are already elsewhere.  However, I am only on page 50- so we shall see if I get more into it later.  With Charlotte Bronte's novel Jane Eyre, it was much easier to get into, thus much easier to read.  Once I was transported to Bronte's world, I was there and could only be interrupted by my mother, summoning me to complete some task.  My thoughts hardly drifted while reading Jane Eyre unless I was stupendously sleepy. 

Other than that, I haven't formed much of an opinion on the book.  I dig Madame Bovary's first name  ; )  I hope she does it justice.