Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's over?

Well after finishing the novel there isn't much to be said.  It was certainly an interesting and some times disturbing read (the  necrophiliac part).  Barnes leaves the readers with many unanswered questions, kind of like a maze that we can't get out of.  We know of all of the passages like questions but they don't really come together to let us out.  In the chapter about Louise Colet, I begin to wonder if Barnes really appreciates Flaubert or if he is using all of the irony to mock him.  Although, all of the irony presented brings very much humor, I get the sense that Barnes just makes fun of Flaubert and gets this sense of ascendancy over Flaubert.  This novel does present some funny times. Rarely do I laugh out loud when I read but Barnes did force a couple little tiny laughs.  The biggest question this book leaves me with is why? I still don't know of Barnes' intentions for the novel, was he paying respect to Flaubert or showing that he knows more than him and is better. The two tones and authorial presences differ and I am left wonder why Barnes decided to take this path with writing this novel.  It was a book that presented much curiosity and even more confusion but it was kind of entertaining to read.  


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