Monday, February 16, 2009


To come to find that a close friend had been spying on you would be demeaning. A friend is supposed to be someone that you trusted, and to find that they have been invading your personal boundaries and spying on you would be belittling. As for what I would do to the friend, I would most likely confront them about it, and then carry on with my life in a more sheltered way. For example, being more in tune with my surroundings and cautious of my actions. Moreover, if a friend of mine had been spying on me, it would greatly limit our friendship. You are supposed to be able to instill your trust in your friends, and imposing on your personal life, such as spying would be breaking that trust. On the other hand, I would have to question why and to what extent they had been spying on me. If it was for the benefit of others or themselves I would be freaked out, and probably not carry on with the friendship. On the other hand however, if they were doing it somehow to my benefit, such as ensuring my safety (which would also be weird) then I would not be so enraged. All in all, friends should have no reason to spy, yet if they did it would defiantly put a limiting factor on our friendship.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Thanks for getting this in! I'm interested to see what you have to say in response to the prompts I'll be giving out later this week!