Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The woman he dreamt about.
I feel he dreamt of that beautiful woman, cuz that was what he wanted, his happiness, for others it could have been a canvas, or a journal, or a car or an opportunity to teach or praying for patience. What he got in reality was the complete opposite it seemed from the woman in his dreams, it was short hair, not long hair, tough and rude, not sweet and womanly, but all in all it was her, she just APPEARED a little different. I think that's one of the lessons packed into this heavy movie. We pray for patience, but we are blessed with an opportunity to practice patience, sometimes we can spot it, and sometimes we completely miss it.
bra zeel. sometimes it only TRULY makes sense to the author.
I think the craziest thing about the movie is how long ago it was made and how well it portrays what is still going on today...
the movie itself, visuals and all, was crazy... the ideas behind it are even crazier... and scarier.
It kind of makes you think.
Now, I could be wrong, but that's not something I really care about. I believe in ideas that come from your own experiences, whether right, wrong or too abstract. I think this year we are learning about perceptions of the world. This is an important year for all of us, where if we haven't already, to start cultivating our own ideas, beliefs and perceptions of the world we are living in. No one can do that if you haven't a clue what one is. It is true that the more you read, your vocabulary grows, and your writing improves, but it's not just your writing that is improving, it's your mind growing and taking what applies and leaving the rest. the association, or lack of, that helps or stunts your development. So we have these example perceptions of the world, coming from Flaubert, the guy who wrote flauberts parrot, Jane, mr. and m. bovary, and the writer of Brazil so far to help you develop your own perception that pertains perfectly to yourself. Here is the perception of the world I live in and one day hope to make a contribution towards healing.
if there is one thing im not, it's bored. life is crazy and amazing, even in the darkest of times there is light to be seen.
yeah i mean you wish and scream and cry out in our own ways desperately from the inside for someone to help and to listen or to understand or evn just to abuse substance with... and when someone finally presents themselves it's hard to actually acknowledge it and use their presence to your advantage cuz when you're finally faced with it you can't decide if you really even wanted it. you can't decide whether you even want change anymore, whether you don't just want to go on living with the way you've been living, after all, you've been doing it your whole life anyways, it's who you are.
that's what i'm tired of... this insane indecisiveness which i blame on all of man and man's history that i believe stemmed from man's one natural and evolutionary flaw. This state of egocentrism. a harmonious yet destructive song of me, Me, ME. I use the word evolutionary because one must always remember that things are changing all the time, and along with it, our mentality, which slowly narrows as we fulfill this growing need for self-indulgence.
some people aim to please, but why? what makes you this way? People are so caught up in their own world, you kind of have to in order to keep order, and order and new world order, online order, mail order, commercial order... blah blah blah. Why do we need so much order? because man wants control, man wants it his way, and naturally one makes the mistake of assuming that his way is BEST for everyone. in ORDER for him to get what he wants, he needs some kind of order for his fantasy to become reality. He wants his OWN reality cuz he thinks he's god.
but say, seriously, that many, men grew up believng they had to control everything to live happily, because they had no control over anything in their lives, and associated that with every wrong thing that happened in their life. Because he was lead to believe that all consequences came from his own misbehavior and that the punishment was dealt by god, he HAS to hate god, because he was innocent and god punished him. Now, it's up to him to make himself happy... Turning away from everyone else because everyone turns away from you, while thinking that you have to fend for yourself and look out for just you, is just another small link to a very big cycle...
this is where it gets a little confusing.
This whole power hungry idea, that buds from the whole god thing, doesn't come from god. Man introduced god, whether you believe in him or not, and WE pass on his teachings. Grown adults can't even play the telephone game. Imagine what kind of twist each mind could play on such abstract morales and philosophies that ultimately remain unclear. So, man passes on down this idea of God, which also comes from selfishness, because with everyone fearing such a mighty, unseen power (not saying nonexistant) there is this crazy amount of new, robotic order bestowed upon man. and in turn, it creates newer mindsets and more of those men who feel they need to rebel, or control. Two very different mindsets, three simultaneous connections.
The ones who feel they need to control pass on more lies for selfish intent. How do the rebels come about, exactly? they are surrounded by selfish people and are neglected by the ones who should love them the most, our parents. Now, our parents have their own ways of reacting to control, and the selfish air around them, which comes down to how they act with you, and as far back as you wish to go. It doesn't even have to be just our parents anymore, because nowadays it's common to neglect your kids, you can just hire a nanny, or send your child off to private school, or selfishly send them to a catholic school so they can learn to be well-behaved to make your life easier, or pair them up with satisfactory friends that contribute to the brainwashing that we are all subject to. So Now we have teachers, friend's parents, counselors, managers, friends, boyfriends, instructors, all these people that you feel should be caring about you, and it turns out, they have their own issues. Your family and friends (whom i consider family) are the ones who are supposed to be caring for you...and since they aren't doing it, you turn elsewhere. You have to remember, these people that are just thrusted into your life from 2 months old to adulthood have kind of forced to even know you in the first place. Can this cycle be stopped? I fear not.
it's not just rebels and control freaks either, psychos are both indirect and direct results of such, killers, hermit crabs, victims of suicide, sluts, models, teachers, lawyers, doctors, painters, photographers, gossip journalists and even more importantly, writers.
but hey... we're too far gone, why not just go with the flow, i mean, if we can blind ourselves into happiness, and everyone is doing it and living "peacefully" amongst eachother, why not? That's not to say that if the technology to learn and advance is at our disposal that we should not study. But more: what is the point of abusing it ultimately leading to our self-destruction?
Our stay here is transient, we are gifted with life on this earth, and we thrive off the hospitality of our gentle, though sometimes fierce and stern mother nature. Everything on earth is temporary, why must WE leave such a lasting destructive impression of just our ONE self, standing out among the other BILLIONS of people on this earth, why us? How much longer have our fellow creatures of the earth managed to stay within the boundaries of their own giant cog, part of an even greater, cosmic, universal, natural ticking system of life. Can we not be content with just passing on some kind of trade? Like oiling the cogs with each generation to ease the overall movement of the ticking clock of life? Why money with your face on it? Why wars? Why jobs?
because we became over populated... something else you can get deeper into yourself.
we all had our own jobs that belonged only to us, as we were part of one community, one that nourished and cultivated each natural, beautiful human instinct. We survived together as hunters, gatherers, shamens, mothers, warriors, wisemen, cheifs, elders doubling as teachers and later on blacksmiths and jewelers and tailors and armors and the designated teacher you hired for your child, political icons, and government officials that serve the newest system of government, then the system of mechanics, dance teachers, soccer coaches, principals, lawyers to defend the criminals we sculpted ourselves, judges whom we've also sculpted ourselves to put the criminals away and a teacher for every subject... where did the subjects come in? Matter of fact, where did the system come in? Where did the pay roll come in? Where did the machinery come in? Man! It seems to just slip right in, doesn't it? You worked to survive everyday when you were gathering and hunting, and then farming and now we don't need you to do that anymore, we've got machines and other people who can do that. However, we do have these other useless things we need you to do while we're doing all these REALLY useless and selfish things. And... since you already work for your life, we're going to replace your work with what we need done, and in exchange you get to live in the world we created for you so that we could have this other world to ourselves.... Who agreed to this? I didn't. How did we advance so far in our technology? That's when our population first slowly started rising, and we could only use our minds because all the physical jobs were taken and everyone was tired of the philosophical, romantic, natural way of thinking, so we turned to science! lets move on to a new revolution. Information age, here we come, full speed ahead!
There is hope, we've just arrived at the Conceptual Age. Daniel Pink, author of A whole new mind: why right brainers will rule the future, failed to mention that even though left brainers have previously held the key to the kingdom, the right brainers have always had it first. You just have to look back far enough.
I'm praying to my god
the one I dreamt up in this dream
yea that means
nothing is as it seems
this god is mine
he belongs only to me
cuz you're not able
to see what I see
man just wants us all to agree
so he can control our minds
and never let us free
see we're all dreamin in our own hells
punishing and judging all of ourselves
we must let go of our
false poisonous agreements
and make new ones
true ones
this time, I mean it.
Agreement number 1
be impeccable with your word
don't just relay what ya heard
don't use words to hurt or decieve
cuz it has more effect than you can possibly percieve
can you pull on thru
to number two?
don't assume, if you got any doubts
pay a little closer attention
cuz you can clear the air
but just askin a simple question
back to the lesson I was passin on
back to mind every day at dawn
this is agreement number three
never take anything personally
we are more confident than correct
and most often times who they really are
is who they project
someone that is similar
is subject to rejection
and there is no protection
with the state we livin in
everyone's insane, not to mention
we stuck in this zero dimension,
zero money, yea we poverty stricken
but take a look at me cuz I'm still straight tippin
you know dis, cuz the clock is still tickin.
This is agreement number four
always try your best
never nothin more
never nothin less
put it to play
every day
like it's a life test
I promise your mind won't dissipate
only if you promise to participate
cuz your mind can only develop
as you use it every day.
don't let the man envelope
your mind in every way.
wow everyone's got their mouth open
whaddya know,
it just goes to show
what you can accomplish,
if you only apply.
you won't need an accomplice,
just open your eyes
it ain't worth it
don't compromise
it's like giving a gift
without the element of surprise
close your mouth
and open your brain
stop and listen
you won't be the same
close your ears to the man
open your eyes to the land
open your mouth to voice where you stand
wbat do you believe, I ain't askin again...
a Tru Lee Mad G Kul GLOriginal.
MC Mad G Kul
Ginger Lee Owens
the movie itself, visuals and all, was crazy... the ideas behind it are even crazier... and scarier.
It kind of makes you think.
Now, I could be wrong, but that's not something I really care about. I believe in ideas that come from your own experiences, whether right, wrong or too abstract. I think this year we are learning about perceptions of the world. This is an important year for all of us, where if we haven't already, to start cultivating our own ideas, beliefs and perceptions of the world we are living in. No one can do that if you haven't a clue what one is. It is true that the more you read, your vocabulary grows, and your writing improves, but it's not just your writing that is improving, it's your mind growing and taking what applies and leaving the rest. the association, or lack of, that helps or stunts your development. So we have these example perceptions of the world, coming from Flaubert, the guy who wrote flauberts parrot, Jane, mr. and m. bovary, and the writer of Brazil so far to help you develop your own perception that pertains perfectly to yourself. Here is the perception of the world I live in and one day hope to make a contribution towards healing.
if there is one thing im not, it's bored. life is crazy and amazing, even in the darkest of times there is light to be seen.
yeah i mean you wish and scream and cry out in our own ways desperately from the inside for someone to help and to listen or to understand or evn just to abuse substance with... and when someone finally presents themselves it's hard to actually acknowledge it and use their presence to your advantage cuz when you're finally faced with it you can't decide if you really even wanted it. you can't decide whether you even want change anymore, whether you don't just want to go on living with the way you've been living, after all, you've been doing it your whole life anyways, it's who you are.
that's what i'm tired of... this insane indecisiveness which i blame on all of man and man's history that i believe stemmed from man's one natural and evolutionary flaw. This state of egocentrism. a harmonious yet destructive song of me, Me, ME. I use the word evolutionary because one must always remember that things are changing all the time, and along with it, our mentality, which slowly narrows as we fulfill this growing need for self-indulgence.
some people aim to please, but why? what makes you this way? People are so caught up in their own world, you kind of have to in order to keep order, and order and new world order, online order, mail order, commercial order... blah blah blah. Why do we need so much order? because man wants control, man wants it his way, and naturally one makes the mistake of assuming that his way is BEST for everyone. in ORDER for him to get what he wants, he needs some kind of order for his fantasy to become reality. He wants his OWN reality cuz he thinks he's god.
but say, seriously, that many, men grew up believng they had to control everything to live happily, because they had no control over anything in their lives, and associated that with every wrong thing that happened in their life. Because he was lead to believe that all consequences came from his own misbehavior and that the punishment was dealt by god, he HAS to hate god, because he was innocent and god punished him. Now, it's up to him to make himself happy... Turning away from everyone else because everyone turns away from you, while thinking that you have to fend for yourself and look out for just you, is just another small link to a very big cycle...
this is where it gets a little confusing.
This whole power hungry idea, that buds from the whole god thing, doesn't come from god. Man introduced god, whether you believe in him or not, and WE pass on his teachings. Grown adults can't even play the telephone game. Imagine what kind of twist each mind could play on such abstract morales and philosophies that ultimately remain unclear. So, man passes on down this idea of God, which also comes from selfishness, because with everyone fearing such a mighty, unseen power (not saying nonexistant) there is this crazy amount of new, robotic order bestowed upon man. and in turn, it creates newer mindsets and more of those men who feel they need to rebel, or control. Two very different mindsets, three simultaneous connections.
The ones who feel they need to control pass on more lies for selfish intent. How do the rebels come about, exactly? they are surrounded by selfish people and are neglected by the ones who should love them the most, our parents. Now, our parents have their own ways of reacting to control, and the selfish air around them, which comes down to how they act with you, and as far back as you wish to go. It doesn't even have to be just our parents anymore, because nowadays it's common to neglect your kids, you can just hire a nanny, or send your child off to private school, or selfishly send them to a catholic school so they can learn to be well-behaved to make your life easier, or pair them up with satisfactory friends that contribute to the brainwashing that we are all subject to. So Now we have teachers, friend's parents, counselors, managers, friends, boyfriends, instructors, all these people that you feel should be caring about you, and it turns out, they have their own issues. Your family and friends (whom i consider family) are the ones who are supposed to be caring for you...and since they aren't doing it, you turn elsewhere. You have to remember, these people that are just thrusted into your life from 2 months old to adulthood have kind of forced to even know you in the first place. Can this cycle be stopped? I fear not.
it's not just rebels and control freaks either, psychos are both indirect and direct results of such, killers, hermit crabs, victims of suicide, sluts, models, teachers, lawyers, doctors, painters, photographers, gossip journalists and even more importantly, writers.
but hey... we're too far gone, why not just go with the flow, i mean, if we can blind ourselves into happiness, and everyone is doing it and living "peacefully" amongst eachother, why not? That's not to say that if the technology to learn and advance is at our disposal that we should not study. But more: what is the point of abusing it ultimately leading to our self-destruction?
Our stay here is transient, we are gifted with life on this earth, and we thrive off the hospitality of our gentle, though sometimes fierce and stern mother nature. Everything on earth is temporary, why must WE leave such a lasting destructive impression of just our ONE self, standing out among the other BILLIONS of people on this earth, why us? How much longer have our fellow creatures of the earth managed to stay within the boundaries of their own giant cog, part of an even greater, cosmic, universal, natural ticking system of life. Can we not be content with just passing on some kind of trade? Like oiling the cogs with each generation to ease the overall movement of the ticking clock of life? Why money with your face on it? Why wars? Why jobs?
because we became over populated... something else you can get deeper into yourself.
we all had our own jobs that belonged only to us, as we were part of one community, one that nourished and cultivated each natural, beautiful human instinct. We survived together as hunters, gatherers, shamens, mothers, warriors, wisemen, cheifs, elders doubling as teachers and later on blacksmiths and jewelers and tailors and armors and the designated teacher you hired for your child, political icons, and government officials that serve the newest system of government, then the system of mechanics, dance teachers, soccer coaches, principals, lawyers to defend the criminals we sculpted ourselves, judges whom we've also sculpted ourselves to put the criminals away and a teacher for every subject... where did the subjects come in? Matter of fact, where did the system come in? Where did the pay roll come in? Where did the machinery come in? Man! It seems to just slip right in, doesn't it? You worked to survive everyday when you were gathering and hunting, and then farming and now we don't need you to do that anymore, we've got machines and other people who can do that. However, we do have these other useless things we need you to do while we're doing all these REALLY useless and selfish things. And... since you already work for your life, we're going to replace your work with what we need done, and in exchange you get to live in the world we created for you so that we could have this other world to ourselves.... Who agreed to this? I didn't. How did we advance so far in our technology? That's when our population first slowly started rising, and we could only use our minds because all the physical jobs were taken and everyone was tired of the philosophical, romantic, natural way of thinking, so we turned to science! lets move on to a new revolution. Information age, here we come, full speed ahead!
There is hope, we've just arrived at the Conceptual Age. Daniel Pink, author of A whole new mind: why right brainers will rule the future, failed to mention that even though left brainers have previously held the key to the kingdom, the right brainers have always had it first. You just have to look back far enough.
I'm praying to my god
the one I dreamt up in this dream
yea that means
nothing is as it seems
this god is mine
he belongs only to me
cuz you're not able
to see what I see
man just wants us all to agree
so he can control our minds
and never let us free
see we're all dreamin in our own hells
punishing and judging all of ourselves
we must let go of our
false poisonous agreements
and make new ones
true ones
this time, I mean it.
Agreement number 1
be impeccable with your word
don't just relay what ya heard
don't use words to hurt or decieve
cuz it has more effect than you can possibly percieve
can you pull on thru
to number two?
don't assume, if you got any doubts
pay a little closer attention
cuz you can clear the air
but just askin a simple question
back to the lesson I was passin on
back to mind every day at dawn
this is agreement number three
never take anything personally
we are more confident than correct
and most often times who they really are
is who they project
someone that is similar
is subject to rejection
and there is no protection
with the state we livin in
everyone's insane, not to mention
we stuck in this zero dimension,
zero money, yea we poverty stricken
but take a look at me cuz I'm still straight tippin
you know dis, cuz the clock is still tickin.
This is agreement number four
always try your best
never nothin more
never nothin less
put it to play
every day
like it's a life test
I promise your mind won't dissipate
only if you promise to participate
cuz your mind can only develop
as you use it every day.
don't let the man envelope
your mind in every way.
wow everyone's got their mouth open
whaddya know,
it just goes to show
what you can accomplish,
if you only apply.
you won't need an accomplice,
just open your eyes
it ain't worth it
don't compromise
it's like giving a gift
without the element of surprise
close your mouth
and open your brain
stop and listen
you won't be the same
close your ears to the man
open your eyes to the land
open your mouth to voice where you stand
wbat do you believe, I ain't askin again...
a Tru Lee Mad G Kul GLOriginal.
MC Mad G Kul
Ginger Lee Owens
Flaubert's Parrot,
Jane Eyre,
Monday, November 24, 2008
This crazy movie summed up all that we have learned about the schools of writing since Romanticism. Romanticism is the fairy-tale of life. Realism is the anti-fairy-tailing of life; it is life as it is without any biased thought process of one person’s perspective. Modernism is this depiction of life through thoughts, imaginations and experiences- life as seen by the brain, not the eyes. Postmodernism is this quirky, rebellious teenager of literature. It takes all of the three and squishes them together with dull scissors and Elmer’s glue.
Postmodernism takes the actuality of life as seen in Realism. It addresses society as this reality that is too real and too simple. It combines the modernist perspective of thoughts and imagination and the happy ending and idealism of Romanticism as an escape from the realist society. Brazil is postmodernism. I can understand why people would watch it and be confused, but I think that the point of Brazil is to confuse us. Not confuse our thoughts, but rather turn upside down the way that we have viewed the world by placing things that generally are not even associated with each other right next to each other. We see Sam’s mother’s fancy house with super nice furniture and then these huge pipes that drape down from the ceiling. There are commercials for dressing up these ugly pipes with pretty covering, which reminds me of Sam’s dreams that are merely an attempt to cover up the ugliness of the life that he is living. Like the opposite of a simile, the movie shows us the meaning of something by comparing it with its complete opposite. There is society, and then there is its antithesis. Order, minute tasks, dullness, organization, status quo; then there is a dream world of beauty, love, chance, and happiness. The way that you jump over one side of the wall to the other is to go against the system-anarchy. We are showed two instances when the perfect order of the system are upset. When Mr. Buttle is taken instead of Mr. Tuttle and when the system is about to wrongly accuse Sam’s dream woman. These lapses are like our dreams. If we could just dull our minds down, we would make perfect machines. But when we start to think, to imagine, when we submit ourselves to this anarchism, then we cannot be happy with the work of the drones. This is Sam.
He starts off as a machine, and then he turns into a glitch, but from there he just decides to continue to be a glitch. When there are thousands of people doing the same thing, does it really matter if he just quits. Like a line of ants working in an anthill, all looking the same, does it make a difference when one decides to wander over to a picnic and himself under the magnifying glass of a sadistic boy? Sam is this curious ant. He disrupts the system, and finds ultimate happiness in his fanatical dreams. The ending of Brazil is much like the end of Flaubert’s Parrot, indeterminate, unsatisfying, and gratifying all at the same time. We are happy that he imagined that he was happy, we are sad that he is dead, but in a way his death is an escape. It is ironic that Sam has to go insane to be happy. Maybe we are the same way. I think that being insane is better than just going along with the drone army of society. Our brain is an escape from the restrictions of life. We can always retreat into the mushy couch of our cerebellum and enjoy the pleasures of creating our own life.
Postmodernism takes the actuality of life as seen in Realism. It addresses society as this reality that is too real and too simple. It combines the modernist perspective of thoughts and imagination and the happy ending and idealism of Romanticism as an escape from the realist society. Brazil is postmodernism. I can understand why people would watch it and be confused, but I think that the point of Brazil is to confuse us. Not confuse our thoughts, but rather turn upside down the way that we have viewed the world by placing things that generally are not even associated with each other right next to each other. We see Sam’s mother’s fancy house with super nice furniture and then these huge pipes that drape down from the ceiling. There are commercials for dressing up these ugly pipes with pretty covering, which reminds me of Sam’s dreams that are merely an attempt to cover up the ugliness of the life that he is living. Like the opposite of a simile, the movie shows us the meaning of something by comparing it with its complete opposite. There is society, and then there is its antithesis. Order, minute tasks, dullness, organization, status quo; then there is a dream world of beauty, love, chance, and happiness. The way that you jump over one side of the wall to the other is to go against the system-anarchy. We are showed two instances when the perfect order of the system are upset. When Mr. Buttle is taken instead of Mr. Tuttle and when the system is about to wrongly accuse Sam’s dream woman. These lapses are like our dreams. If we could just dull our minds down, we would make perfect machines. But when we start to think, to imagine, when we submit ourselves to this anarchism, then we cannot be happy with the work of the drones. This is Sam.
He starts off as a machine, and then he turns into a glitch, but from there he just decides to continue to be a glitch. When there are thousands of people doing the same thing, does it really matter if he just quits. Like a line of ants working in an anthill, all looking the same, does it make a difference when one decides to wander over to a picnic and himself under the magnifying glass of a sadistic boy? Sam is this curious ant. He disrupts the system, and finds ultimate happiness in his fanatical dreams. The ending of Brazil is much like the end of Flaubert’s Parrot, indeterminate, unsatisfying, and gratifying all at the same time. We are happy that he imagined that he was happy, we are sad that he is dead, but in a way his death is an escape. It is ironic that Sam has to go insane to be happy. Maybe we are the same way. I think that being insane is better than just going along with the drone army of society. Our brain is an escape from the restrictions of life. We can always retreat into the mushy couch of our cerebellum and enjoy the pleasures of creating our own life.
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