Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nates thoughts

I have not finished the book yet but as of now, I think that it really is boring. thats just me I have always disliked romantice books. There are times in the book were the speaker will go on and on about one little detail, after reading a page or so of some one rambeling on about there hair or somthing it starts to drive me crazy. mabey it will get better as the book gos on.


MC L.i.f.e Ginger Lee said...

lol I find that I get frustrated with the details as well. I like to focus on the big picture, and I find that when I am trying to read through all these details, I forget the big picture. Too many details, and you lose the vitality to the original idea, and that's not limited to just books.

David Lavender said...

Good to see a post from you! (I hope to see many more). I think your reaction in finding the book "boring" is entirely legitimate (and is seconded by many, many of your peers). But be careful: this book isn't Romantic, it's an example of Realism (which may be why we all seem to find it so dull--who wants to read a work that doesn't allow us to escape our dull existence, but simply reflects it back at us?).