Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who is gustav flaubert?

Gustav Flaubert is one sick, twisted, mothertrucker. I want to start off by talking about Emma's obvious boredom of life. Sure we all get bored, but this girl she seems depressed to be alive. It seems as though nothing conventional is every good enough for her. Evern when her daughter is born, a most joyous moment in a womens life, she seems to be disappointed that she did not bear a boy. Emma takes most things in her life for granted. The only time she appears to be happy is when shes cheating on her husband. Maybe if she and Leon would have just eloped she wouldnt be so depressed. I do like the way Flaubert takes seemingly dull characters, and brings them into full complex life. Every single person has the story to tell, we just have to listen.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you; Emma is one selfish character. She seems to be living in her own little fantasy (one that would never come alive) and even then she gets bored with her own happiness!
I don't even think she's truly happy with her lovers; half the time she is ordering them around and the other half she is trying to make them into the lovers of the romance novels she read as a girl.
Either way, Emma is so high maintenance it's hard not laughing at her pathetic life.

Marcus said...

I really enjoy the last line. It's very true.

David Lavender said...

AS very thoughtful post, Cris (thanks!). You seem to be giving Flaubert a lot more credit than many of your peers (I hope you read some of their posts). You also seem to be a lot more patient with him (none of the frustrated outrage that others have expressed here). Good for you. Been practicing your Zen?