Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Religion vs. Knowledge.

In this book Monseur Homais, The apothecary, Claims to still worship a god, but his god is very different from the god of Jane eyre. Homais says that he believes in a supreme being and a creator yet he says his gods are Socrates, voltaire, and etc. to me this makes absolutely no sense, how can they be the creators of man when they are men living in our world? I believe what Homais is trying to say that knowledge is more reasonable than traditional religion, but who is Homais' creator? It just doesnt make sense.


Walker said...

Shawn, I couldn't agree more. I feel that, yes, he does invest a lot of trust in Voltaire and other philosophers. Perhaps he is saying there is no creator of man, just creators of knowledge. He belives in reason, scientific study, and knowledge. Well done!

David Lavender said...

Voltaire is a hero of the Enlightenment (an intellectual/philosophical movement we'll have to remind ourselves about in class). You're right to posit that Enlightenment places empirical knowledge above irrational faith (or feelings). The question then becomes--we already know that Flaubert is poking fun at Romanticism, but is he also dissing on Enlightenment?