Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sluts Don't Know What True Love Is

Emma has no conception of love, because she is one that lets sex get in the way of something that's real. Love isn't something that can be based from just one attribute such as sex which is a purely physical connection between two people or an emotional connection. She would know if she was in love if she had both an emotional and physical attraction to either Charles, Leon, or Rodolphe. Unlike Jane who has found "true love" with Rochester, Emma might be a nympho hoe because she may claim that she has special feelings and knows what love is but in reality all she wants is to ride the train, which indeed she does. Charles is all good with his and Emma's relationship but Leon and Radolphe are just straight up players so Emma got 100% what she was looking for and we know what that is...I think she goes by what Lil Wayne says because it seems like all she wants to do is "l-l-l-lick me like a lollipop" and that's the truth!


Carl Schroedl said...

Your correct that Jane has no idea what true love is. She has a vission of living this fairytale love story and even though she has a wonderful life with charles it isnt good enough for her. I really dont like. WHat a terrible thing to do to someone and leave Charles to care for the child and continue his perfection as a docter. WHat a selflish thing to do. TOtally unconsiderite.

David Lavender said...

You need to change your account name to something more recognizable so that I can give you credit for these posts (which seem almost as sex-obssessed--and borderline inappropriate--as you accuse Emma of being).