Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Emma Sucks

I can't stand Emma. What a bitch. Everything she does is wrong, cruel, and disgusting. She needs to leave her affairs to books. I don't understand how Charles can keep loving her. Probably the most disturbing thing she does is steal money from Charles. She spends all of his income without even letting him know. I realize that she wishes she was rich and dreams of the stories which she has read in books. But she has to realize that she is not these beauties in the stories. She's a stuck-up whore. I mean, she can't even spend any time with her child or help her become a woman. I guess this is a good thing or else her daughter would turn into a slut too. It horrified me and I couldn't have been more happy than when her death scene came up. It made my day.
I found this novel pretty entertaining and funny. I believe my favorite character was the pharmacist. He gets all that he could wish for while Emma and Charles end up in the grave. The whole description of Emma's death is hillarious. Especially when the description of the black liquid dripping from her mouth comes up. Although I found much of this book humorous, a more prevalent feeling for me was anger. I couldn't stand Emma and her actions. I constantly felt bad for Charles, getting two terrible wives and having his life ruined by a complete bitch! Emma sucks.


save the crust said...
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save the crust said...

yeah. for sure, it was hilarious when she died, a sort of brutal humor. She was a pain in the neck, all she did was sleep around. i'm glad we always seem to see eye to eye walk.

!MWS said...

I agree. But i had hoped that poor Charles would be able to find a happier life once she was gone. unfortunately, Emma brought him down with her, and that was not possible.

Joshua Zieve said...

Emma is truly pathetic. She is at her most pathetic point when, at the end, she tries to seduce Binet, the tax collector, while in massive debt.

Athena Budge said...

I totally agree. She seems to not be able to decipher between reality and fantasy!

Kenya said...

I agree that Emma was a HORRIBLE person and her destruction of Charles was terrible. But do you think in ways Charles could have seen it coming? DO you think if he had looked past his undying love for her he would have seen the lie in her love?

David Lavender said...

I love how many comments your post has engendered, Walker. Your sympathy for Charles (and your antipathy toward Emma)is understandable; however, is this the reaction Flaubert would want to incite in his readers? Is he simply saying that most people are incredibly stupid ("pathetic" is the terms one of your commentators used), and that they all deserve what they get?

Is this book pessimistic at its core?