Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Madame Bovary

Flaubert is a good writer who puts a lot of thought into his work, everything that he writes about has some significant way to be translated, which is entertaining to read. Homais conception of god is much different that the view that is put out in Jane Eyre. Homais feels that religion and and prayer are useless, much the opposite of which is portrayed in Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre has the look on religion as it is a must in all of our lives and that we need to live by jesus and love him. In Madame Bovary, Homais is the apothecary at Yonville and is very obnoxious and loves himself. He helps Charles become established as a doctor so that was nice of him. I agree with his outlook on religion and prayer, we should be out doing things that we want to do, not living in the shadow of jesus. We need to set our own standard and live life how we want to, people need to respect other's decision on how to carry out their life, whether it includes religion or not.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

A very thoughtful (if somewhat brief) post, Stu. Thanks. I enjoyed reading this one. I like that you've picked up on different presentations of religion in Bronte's novel and in Flaubert's. but is Homais sincere? I wonder.