Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Madame Bovary!

From what I've read so far I've come to the conclusion that the emotion this author inflicts upon me is RAGE! I'm sure the story line is really great but I just can't get past the writing style... At times and in most circumstances the details are so unnumerable that you feel overwhelmed. But when you come across what you would believe to be a more weighty subject the author writes it so starkly. Like for example when Charles' wife dies the author was like "she coughed up blood and the next day she was dead..." seriously!?! that's it. Nothing more nothing less just the facts. So hopefully as I read further the author will decide on a happy medium.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

GREAT to see a post from you! (I want to see more). I thin you're right to call Flaubert on his style--so flat and unaffected...where is there room for we readers to respond? What emotions are his descriptions of these events meant to elicit (beyond the "rage" at not being given more direction).

Keep this up. I like hearing your thoughts!