Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Overall Opinion

Emma SUCKS. I could not have configured a more annoying, whiny, self absorbed character if I tried (really hard, for many many hours). I definitely got more into this book once I got to around pg. 15o the plot becomes bit more intriguing once Emma starts sleeping around and getting herself into financial troubles. Her shallow extravagance is almost humorous.

Poor Charles, he desereves better, I wish he doesn't kill himself at the end but rather, embraces the fact that Emma is gone and he can finally be independent. I want him to get ANGRY not sad. He should have sold all of Emma's crap--then he would be out debt and able to move back to Yonville with Bertha and his mother and father in law, and be surrounded by people who love and respect him.


Neve said...

I could not agree more with what you have to say aabout this useless charecter of Emma. She is a disgrace to all humans

Mackenzie Bronson said...

I agree with you post and I just hate how she is so self-centered.

TJT said...

It is obvious that Charles is kind of a pussy. He doesnt want to face thew truth about Emma. She constantly sleeps around with different men and Charles finds pieces of evidence proving it and he just thinks nothing is wrong

Marcus said...

It just angers me how unaware she is about reality. Easily the most selfish character i have ever taken the time to read about.

Katie Mallard said...

I agree completely. Emma does suck. And I actually like Charles, I mean he is a little boring but overall I don't think he deserves a dumb slut like her.

David Lavender said...

I think that T.J. has a point about Charles being detestable in his own right, but back to your post. As you point out, it would be really, really, really hard to come up with a character as unsympathetic as Emma is. So, do we applaud Flaubert for his success, or simply scratch our heads and wonder what he was thinking (after all, who would want to read a book like this unless it was assigned). This, of course, begs the question of why this book is considered a classic (on that is routinely taught in a course like this). Has Flaubert simply done a really good job of writing a really bad book?