Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Jane is a stupid slut! I want to first point out that when Emma married Charles Bovary and that was one of the biggest mistakes of the book. She does not stay loyal when she meets other men and she completely disregards her husband when other men get in the picture. She was basically forced to marry Charlie and she at first liked him but then realized that she could also be with younger men. THIS PISSED ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though she didn't like him you don't hurt him by sneaking away and screwing other guys. She sees him as Uneducated in the elegant arts and this one reason keeps her drifting away from their marriage.


Kirk said...

Sorry dude, just gotta call you out on the fact that Jane isn't in this book!

David Lavender said...

"Uneducated in the elegant arts"--hmmm...could this phrase describe this post as well as Charles? I wonder (Kirk has a very good point that you undermine your credibility when you conflate two heroines from two very different books). That said, you have some good initial observations here--one's that you'd do well to follow up on at greater length.