Tuesday, March 3, 2009


throughout the play hamlet is found thinking about what to do more than actually doing something, i think he could have been more decisive. But i do see why its not like that, it keeps your mind racing and it keeps you reading. I was very satisfied with the whole play, especially the ending, i love how its not like everything else that ends all happy. The ending is brutual and amazing, its so cool how eveyone just gets poisoned and dies. It could have had a little more action, but it was good. I love how sick and twisted this play is, the uncle kills the dad then picks up the mom. Its so f***ed up and i really love it. I love how it was a play within a play that was pretty crazy. There wasnt really anything i didnt like it had sex,violence and some crazy twists. GOOD PICK LAV DAWG


baller sauce said...

Agreed this book is the kind of thing that people think and don't write but in Hamlet we got the uncle killing the dad and the uncle getting with the wife of the dad that he killed and death, and lies, it is definitely an intriguing book...so I agree with David here.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Haha that's a good point, Hamlet was indecisive. I never thought about that until then, but then again I think that I would be indecisive if I were in his position also. I mean the whole thing is really messed up, how would you go about solving a problem or seeking revenge with all of that going on. All in all, Claudius deserved to die, he was a malicious guy. You have to be seriously screwed up to murder your brother and then take from him all he’s worth including his wife, and then going on to murder his son. Yeah, I agree the book was really messed up, but a good read. :)