Tuesday, March 3, 2009

shakespears to be or not to be.

its funny to read others talk about why hamlet hesitated to kill the king, and of what becomes of the rest of the characters because of that hesitation, what role does fate play in the play? :) these are all questions that Shakespear had to answer and consider when writting his tragedy. the tradgedy part pretty much answers the questions its self. shakespear chose not to be for his characters, the beauty of the play is the development of the plot, the time line in which the story unfolds and the situations Shakespear creats to allow his characters to be.

1 comment:

dogs down under said...

Shakespeare did inherently choose for the majority of his characters not to BE, but he did not employ suicide as the murderer for each death. Most of the deaths were not chosen, but rather caused by one another. In an attempt to kill or get revenge a majority of the characters ultimately decide their own fatal destinies. They did not choose not to BE consciously, but rather unconsciously through their vengeful actions.