Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hamlet...hmmm i have to say that this isn't one of my favorite books we have read thus far. I find the language challenging to follow and the book in general just doesn't seem to capture my attention, although, this isn't to say that it doesn't posses many good qualities. I have no doubt that this book, if looked deeper into, has many amazing qualities to offer. With that said, death is a huge part of Hamlet not only does one of the main characters die in the end but pretty much all of the main characters die which leaves me wondering what this reveals about Hamlet as a whole or more importantly Shakespeare himself. Shakespeare's use of death in this play in reality makes the play as a whole. The style in which he does this reveals a lot about the characters in the play. Similarly to Romeo and Juliet Hamlets main focus is death and all the deaths seem to in a sense rely on one another. For example Hamlet wants to kill the king because the king killed his father and Hamlet accidentally kills Polonius thinking it was the king. So in reality without death this play would have no main focus and i feel like this is how a lot of Shakespeare's work is. Death whether on purpose or accidental plagues this play, it is pervades all the characters in one way or another. 

1 comment:

David Lavender said...


I can sense that you've been a little confused by our reading of the play, and I hope that our discussion of it in the coming days makes the overall drama a little more sensible. There's not much in this post that suggests a paper topic right off the bat; but again, I'm hoping that as we discuss the play in more depth that something will strike your fancy and provide for a suitable topic to pursue in your next essay.