Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Actual Chapter 10 Post

When I first read this chapter, and even not until part-way through I could not figure out for the life of me who Banes was taking about. I figured that it was Flaubert but then little sayings would come up just to push my away from that notion once again. I soon realized that yes, Banes was indeed taking about Flaubert. Once I figured that out I found the section much easier to read and understand. This was actually a pretty interesting chapter due to the kind of like past banter that occurs. First, the act of criticism that was said is portrayed and then we are presented with the ideas and thoughts of both Banes and Flaubert regarding that statement. I just thought this was a pretty interesting chapter because usually when you read a critics review you don't get to see the argument back toward it. Seeing both sides really helps you to decide what you think about the issue. Especially when the criticism is toward another person, to see that individual and another person on their side stick up for them is quite intreging. I still don't fully understand why he chooses to listen to some of the nasty advice he achieved but I guess it helps him to become better at his actions and change what he does not like.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Good post; good thoughts. I enjoyed this one, thanks (be sure to take a look at my response to your response to Jerry's post above).