Sunday, November 2, 2008


It is interesting how the Pharmacie is helpful. In ordinary life, you go to a pharmacie to get prescription medications to heal you. In Flaubert's parrot, the people at the pharmacie actually help you. Him and his wife Ellen go into a pharmacie in hopes of finding a packet of bandages to repair Ellen's blister on the back of her heel. A pharmacien comes out to take a look at it. He looks at it "with a tenderness of a foot-fetishist." I think that is a funny line. In ordinary life at most places no one knows what is going on. For example, if you go to a Home Depot in search of a certain light bulb, half the staff there could not be able to tell you where they are or where to find them. In Madame Bovary, there are two people who look after Emma when she dies, which are the priest and Homais the pharmacien. The pharmacien is seen as the person who helps. 

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Good post. Too busy just now with papers and all, but keep posting!