Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hey, so apparently my ability to read directions is impaired. So in context to the prompt yesterday, my words I'm choosing for the the past three chapters include Antiform, Play and Participation. Here are my motives; antiform (the open writing form) is exactly how Barnes is communicating with us as readers. The past three chapters have really been Barnes plead for us to be his friend, and join in his crazy obsession with Flaubert. We feel empathy for him in Chapter 3, as the priceless letters are burned, via antiform and the communicative style that Barnes uses to reach us. Play, well, this whole thing is play really. It's just Barnes' little game at getting to Flaubert. He's also, slightly, playing with us in the aspect of bringing up personal, dirty secrets of Flaubert (like his sexual tendencies), when we all know Flaubert as a somewhat dry human being (from Madame Bovary). Lastly Participation, which going back to antiform, is Barnes' desire for our realationship. By the time you hit Chapter 3, you are an intrigal part of the novel, you're enjoying every second, you're laughing at the parts Barnes' typed out with a's all so beautiful.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

A fun post (thanks!). But what really struck me was your assertion that we "know" from Madame Bovary that Flaubert was a "dry" fellow. This is interesting. Isn't this just the sort of assumption Barnes is questioning? I wonder