Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Through the chronologies what I was thinking

In Flaughbert's Parrot I thought the chronologies were full of such wierd little comparisons and quotes. I thought it was really funny in the first chronology in 1836 he talked about the sexual initiation like it was his entrance into high school. For the second chronology erin and I were laughing about the quote where it says a shattering first attack of epilepsy. Erin was quite amused. In chronology three I liked how he described boredom as everything but what it is, radical, intimate, bitter and incessant. I thought that was an interesting way to describe it. It seemed almost painful. In the first part of the book, I thought it was interesting how he described the parrot as the pure world. This made a lot of sense to me, because it meant that it is the clever sayings that the parrot vocalizes that any normal person would think twice before saying. I thought it was funny how the narrator described the part of human nature where people are not satisfied with just the legacy of their favorite author but have to capture the essence of them almost to the point of obsession. I find this funny because he seems almost as obsessed with Flaubert as much as he criticizes everyone else for doing the same thing.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Good post. Too busy just now with papers and all, but keep posting!