Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Da Funny Stuff...

The book Flaubert's Parrot so far is hilarious. The chronologies were especially the best, number 2 was my favorite just because Julian Barnes explains how Flaubert is such a cynical and bitter man. He goes through a lot during his life, loosing just about everyone, getting syphilis, and getting treatment for it sounds gnarly, but also kind of funny, he also ends up loosing his hair. The one quote that I really enjoyed was when he was saying his heart was becoming a necropolis, a place for the dead, a resting place.


Anonymous said...

Nice quote, there are some pretty freakin disturbing things in this section. I definitely agree w/ #2 being the best chronology.

Marcus said...

I think it defianlty helps to have a sort of dark sense of humor when reading this book. It makes his life hilarious.

Cris Loomis said...

Cj that quote at the end has inspiried me to comment on your post. Falubert's life is a nice fun joke to laugh at when one is feeling down. Barnes gives us this portrait of a sad, lonley man who is cynical and mean. This is not what I had pictured Flaubert to be.

David Lavender said...

This seems a bit thin; try and pursue your own good observations further! (If you like the necropolis, just wait for the actual necrophilia (yuck!)