Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Although with what I have read, I am growing annoyed with all this talk and obsessive-ness over Flaubert, I really like Julian Barnes’ writing tactics. He seems to be one of the few authors who know how to write as though they are talking to you. I have not yet gotten sick of reading this book, as I have the others, though I am sick of reading Flaubert’s name. I feel like Barnes is the kind of obsessed person who would frame a portrait of Flaubert and buy a parrot just to feel as Flaubert felt.
However I am not letting that get to me as I am some of his questions. The questions that Barnes asks are totally legitimate questions that, if you think about a little, will baffle your brain. At least mine anyways.


David Lavender said...

A very funny post. I think Barnes' style is rubbing off on you (in a good way!).

Nicole Goldsworthy said...

well it truly did baffle my brain... and make me think