Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lobo and flaubert's parrot

This is a very interesting "novel". I love how it jumps around, and is almost illogical so far. It's almost a game the author is playing, trying to jump around and keep the reader off balance. It helps to make your own decisions about the novel instead of the set definitive views of more linear novels, like Jane Eyre and Madame Bovary. In those novels the author has a viewpoint that comes through in their writing, but this one keeps you from getting into the novel. One of my favorite parts of this novel is the chronolagy, especially the third one. Many of the quotes were very funny, in a dry ironic way. I think that so far this has been a halarious read. Another of the funniest parts of the story is how random and senseless it is. The whole idea of the parrots makes almost no sense, why would the discrepancy between which parrot was Flaubert used matter in the least to anything, ever? I find the irony of this book so far being pointless to be very funny. Personally i hope the rest of the novel remains this funny and non-linear, if so it might turn out to be our first thouroughly enjoyable read this year.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Good post, but why not take the time to capitalize that first person pronoun?