Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This book thus far isn't very interesting. I'm not sure what is going on and where the author plans on taking it. The whole chronology thing was weird and i just don't really like how the book is written. I guess it kind of gets interesting when he starts talking about the letters that were written between Juliet and Flaubert, it shows some what of a connection with Madame Bovary. I wonder what conncetion Ed is going to have in the whole bigger picture of the book, or if any. Chronology III was some what useful because you are able to better understand who Flaubert is and what his life was like but still I don't really know where this book is going. I hope something interesting happens soon because if not i don't know how much more I can read.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Good post. Too busy just now with papers and all, but keep posting!