Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ive really become more open and recessive to the messages that can be tought through this book. The chapter titled the chase again has been my favorite thus far. The biggest truth i took away from it about Flaubert is that he needs truth. More than happiness, love, dispare Flaubert rather obtain truth in things. He talks about if your to involved in life you can never fully understand it. By having a out side view you can anilize and come up with a meaning or truth for it. If your to involved in something you often times get cought up in its small details and miss out on the greater picture. That is why i helps athletes to go back and watch film of them selves play. They are to involved in the moment when playing to view the entire playing field, there focused on their particular assignment. He also relates to this message of truth when he talks about how one can anilise wine, love, women and glory given that your not a drunkard, a husband, a lover. You would imagine that a drunkard or a lover who know more about those subjects than one who steps back and isnt involved. Flauberts thinks those peoples perseptions are squewed because their minds have been corrupted by it. I feel like Flaubert is affraid to endulge himself in some thing to much if he doesnt have a reason or a truth for it. Flaubert wouldnt know why he loves or why one loves so he wouldnt want to love without a truth or reason for it. He stands back and stays a writer, a nutral ground for him to put his thoughts into contex and make reason for things.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

I'm glad you picked up on the analogy of athletes watching their own game film, because they are too involved in the play at the time to get a holistic sense of what transpired. This should be useful to you.

Another good post!