Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Anoter Perspective.

OK, so here we go. I am getting so sick of the way that Barnes keeps talking about Flaubert. I feel like he should just marry him. I mean you can talk about someone to a point, but to this extent... I am sensing obsession.
In the chapter Louise Colet's Version, I was getting so confused. You see, I forgot to read the title, so as I was reading this, I took it as Barnes telling us that he was a woman that had a love affair with Flaubert. I got kind of grossed out thinking that he was some cross dresser who may have been a prostitute at one point, and then fell in love with Gustave. In fact, I thought that this was his idea of coming out of the closet, or telling us about the fantasys that he may have had about Gustave. But little did I know, it was actually in the perspevtive of Louise. I had to ask Alexis, and once I did, i felt like a idiot. Now that i know it wasnt him that he was talking about, I am a little happier. In fact looking back at that chapter I kind of liked it. I liked how in the beginning of the chapter, she made the person she was talking to find her pulse on her forearm, and then did so again in the end of the chapter to show that she was in no mood to fight with anyone. I thought that that was kind of cool....
I, however, did not like that Barnes deciede to just change perspectives of who was talking to us, cause it confused the crap out of me. You can't just be one person at one point and another personn at another. UGH

I cant wait to be done with this book

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Sorry you're finding this book so frustrating, but I'm impressed with what you seem to be picking up. I'm glad, for example, that you noticed the opening to the Louise Colet section--the 'feel my pulse' stuff. Do you think this is an effort to gain such intimate contact with the reader that it will fake him/her out and get them to believe that this isn't just a fiction, but that it is real?