Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I would have to agree with every thing that is mentioned critics. I really don't unederstand why any one would take a critics word of advice. Every single time I have read a critics review on a book or movie it always turn out that his or her opinion is different than mine. A critics opinion is just one persons perspective, I would imagin that some people would agree with them but there is no way that the majority of people will be on there side. Also, I think that in (some) cases a critics opinion could be completely Biased. Since there is no factual information behind there information then they could sway their opinions from side to side.


Mackenzie Bronson said...

Nice and long blog.

David Lavender said...

This seems to leave us nowhere. If no critic's view is valid, then how do we evaluate anything? Indeed, what is a critic? Is it simply someone who is negative (no), or is it someone (like you) who seeks to make sense of something that is initially challenging intellectually and aesthetically? (Probably the latter). You might explore this notion of why our own views of critics tend to be so negative in the context of what Braithwaite (himself a sort of critic) finds fault with in the likes of Enid Starkie.