Monday, September 8, 2008

First 138 pages

The book thus far as been some what entertaining, its not the best book I have ever read but it does have some good qualities to it. It started out slow and not very good but its gotten better. Im starting to get more interested, since she moved out of lowood its been a better read, not as boring and slow. It was sad when Helen died but it added more excitment to the story. It kind of caught your attention and put some emotion into the text. I also thought it was cool how Bessie came to see her before she left lowood. When she left Gateshead we as the readers were left wondering what happened to the rest of her extended family and friends. So when Bessie came back all of our questions were answered and like I said above it made the book more interesting. I also though it funny how the cousin that was mean to her ended up not doing very well in the end. I found it even more interesting when towards the end of page 138 the whole thing with the guy on the horse and the dog played out. They ended up being at the house when she arrived home. Im excited to read on to see what happens in the up coming pages with the man on the horse and Bessie.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

I'm glad you're finding the novel more interesting with the introduction of Rochester, but I'd be even more interested in hearing your more general thoughts of what makes a "good" book good--and how Bronte's novel has failed to fulfill these criteria for much of the first 100 pages.