Monday, September 8, 2008


Jane Eyre has it's ups and downs. Her life in the beginning of the book obviously sucks, but you of course already know this readers!!! I suck at this stuff so I'm just going to post what I think is fit... The book itself actually isn't that bad. It starts with Jane as a little girl living with Mrs. Reed in Gateshead, she then moves to Lowood to go to school, ect. The book skips ahead to where she is the age of 18, and now works at the school. I haven't gotten to anything really exciting, the only thing that I thought was surprising was when she was surprised by Bessie when Jane was about to leave for Thornfield...


maxb said...

thank you for this life changing insight

David Lavender said...

Posting what you "think is fit" is an entirely appropriate approach--however, rather than simply engage in plot summary (remember, we're all reading this book too, and so know what happens from one chapter to the next), why not explore your own reactions at greater length? For example, what specifically "sucks" about Jane's life?