Monday, September 8, 2008


As the first hundred pages have slowely moved forward the rethym of the book has taken for with an intricut form of imagery. From the point of no return (leaving her so called family) and headed off to Lowood i have gained a better understanding of who she is and what type of person she is. The main shock at the moment is the strickness of the teachers taking their religiouse teachings to a hole new level. The first lesson of this book has occured in the form in learning that the love and affection of others is not the most important thing through school.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

As a school, Lowood seems strict, indeed! How would you like to see some of the policies and procedures instituted here at THS?

I enjoyed this post, but given that you have the resource of a spell check built into the program--why not use it??? (These posts are meant to be informal, but If your reader sees a lot of unnecessary misspellings, they're going to think: "If he doesn't care, then why the heck should I?" (Don't undermine your own good observations).