Monday, September 8, 2008

its getting better

When I first picked up this novel, I had no idea what to expect. The first few chapters made me doze off a couple of times reading it, and I found that it is alot easier to read a book when its not 11:00 PM. But then I soon found that it wasnt as borring in the fifth chapter. There wern't so many descriptions, and the book was not always talking about Jane having to defend herself from her cousins and aunt. I am glad that this book isnt as hard to read anymore, and that I dont mind taking time out of my day to read about Jane Eyre.


David Lavender said...

Maybe you should try waking up early (set your alarm an hour earlier), brew some coffee or tea,and read while your awake. I'm serious (keep in mind what Thoreau said: "Morning is the time when I am AWAKE")

Walker said...

Maybe you should also try sitting in a hard-backed chair when you read. That keeps you awake. I like Jane Eyre too, the beginning was boring, but it gets better. Keep up the great work!!!!