Monday, September 8, 2008

Jane Eyre #1

The beginning of Jane Eyre reminded me of Cinderella, her cousins were very abusive as were the sisters in Cinderella, and the Aunt was similarly unfair to the Step-mother. However, I have pity on Jane for having to undergo such difficulties and unfairness’s at such a young age. She not only had to experience the public humiliation inflicted upon her by Mr. Brocklehurst, convicting her as being a servant to the devil, but she also lost a good friend as well. If I was to be put into Jane’s position regarding her past acts towards her aunt in front of all my peers, I would most likely be ill-equipped emotionally to handle it. At the beginning of this act, I thought that Jane was going to be broken down and emotionally unstable, as she had mentioned that she would be in earlier passages. However, she surprisingly showed strength, and took a firm stand upon her shameful stoop. In addition, Jane Eyre is a very well written piece of literature; I enjoy reading Charlotte Bronte’s way of outlining details and lengthened vocabulary. I look forward to continue my readings.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...


I like the Cinderella analogy (I think others have made this, too, but that doesn't make it any less apt).

How about including some examples of the descriptive language and discussing what it is you so admire about them?