Monday, September 8, 2008

Jane Eyre

Thus far I find this book incredible hard to get into.  The action seems slow and much to depressing to follow, not to mention the language is sometimes hard to follow.  However, I throughly enjoyed the scene where Jane yelled at Mrs. Reed, and although it was a low blow I liked that she brought up her dead uncle.  Some people really draw the short end of the stick and I think that Jane is one of those people.  Right now the tables have begun to turn, she seems happy at Thornfield Hall but honestly it sounds boring.  
I thought it was really funny when Brocklehurst visited the school and saw the little girl with curls and yelled at her.  I thought that it was really ignorant that he was basically fighting with nature.  I'm know there was no such thing as a straitening iron back then so I don't know how Brocklehurst proposes to straighten a girls hair, especially since natural curls usually occur in humidity.   I found Brocklehurst to be a huge hypocrite but I know I wouldn't have stood up to him so I probably would have done the exact same thing Jane did if I were in her situation.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...


I'm sorry to hear you're finding the book a tough go. You've got a point, though: How is Bronte to make a limited childhood marked largely by deprivation interesting? It's a challenge, to be sure (one that you don't feel she's succeed at..yet). I'm hoping events at Thornfield will pique your interest. Hang in there!