Monday, September 8, 2008

Wuthering Heights vs. Jane Eyre

Ever since the first chapter of Jane Eyre, I cannot help but think how similar it is the Wuthering Heights. The writing style, time period it was written in, and romance theme carry over between the two novels. Clearly, because the two authors are sisters, their books are both to be similar. I do like Jane Eyre more because more events occur with less boring decriptions, but I am still able to picture the scenes in my head. Wuthering Heights was full of pages of details of what one room looked like. In Jane Eyre there are exciting events that occur that make me want to keep reading. I think that as the story progresses and Jane continues to grow up, it will only get me interesting, at least I hope so.


Katie Mallard said...

just wanted to see if this would work!

Mackenzie Bronson said...

Well it did...

Katie Mallard said...

Oh my god Kenzi you are so brilliant. It is an honor to be in the same classroom as you. I hope you think of me as an equal.

David Lavender said...

Katie's comments are pretty darned funny...

Regardless, I like this post, but it's probably shorter than it should be. I think your comparison of these two books by two sisters is fascinating, and I'd like to hear more (on this or on any other subject). Write long. There is no better way to use this blog than to explore your own reactions to the events as they unfold (and to how Charlotte's emphasis on action and character seem to trump Emily's obsession with detail). I look forward to reading more!