Monday, September 8, 2008

my thoughts on charlotte bronte

So far charlotte bronte is treatin me pretty good. i like how Jane Eyre sucks you into the book. the more you read the more you feel like your in the book. there are some parts of the book that are hard to under stand. There also is alot of big words that make it a little harder to under stand, but other than that its really a good book. Jane is a really strong person mentaly and phsyically. because of the things shes had to do. having to loose your family and move to different schools is hard. so far so good.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Moving to a different school ought to be something to which you can relate (and I hope you will in posts to come). This initial post seems a bit briefer than it should--if only because I am interested in understanding your initial reactions. For example: how does Jane's character "suck you in"? Try and be more specific. (And as far as those big words go, there's always the dictionary!).