Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jealous Jane

This was quite the interesting 20 pages. From Mr. Rochester's past story of his love and where Adele really came from. Does Adele know the whole story?  When Mr. Rochester talks about jealousy Jane refuses to have ever had any. Later in the chapter when Mrs. Fairfax and Jane are talking of the party that Mr. Rochester was at, Jane becomes very interested in the females attending the party. Jane has started acting jealous! They are totally going to get together. Oh and Grace Poole is creepy. At first I thought Jane was seeing a ghost when she was hearing things at night but it turns out Grace Poole was trying to kill Mr. Rochester. I wonder why this is. This book is getting more interesting with each chapter. 

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Yes, Grace Poole is indeed so very creepy--but what really makes her so? First, she apparently tries to set Rochester on fire, then, the next morning, she (and everyone else) is acting as if nothing untoward happened. Very mysterious!