Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Poor Jane. After finding this new family, this new life she has dreamed of for so long, she feels lost. Mr. Rivers, this man she wants so much to be close to, will not allow her to do so. His heart seems cruel in not letting her sisterly love show through. I can’t decide if he is truly upset with her or not, or what he is really feeling, but all Jane wanted was someone to lean on. Now the offer of marriage! How weird…Jane was right to stand up for what she believed in. Mr. Rivers infuriates me. The entire time reading I simply wanted to just skip ahead to see if he got any better…it only got worse!

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

"someone to lean on"--an unconscious, but perhaps significant phrasing. keep in mind who has leaned on whom in this novel. Hmmm...