Thursday, September 25, 2008


JANE IS RICH????????? Wow, hold up, how does this work? Jane lives the majority of her life in poverty and all the sudden she is rich? Not to mention, that even though her uncle is dead, her so called family that has taken her in as there own, really is her biological family!!!!! I can’t even begin to fathom was exactly is going through Jane’s head. One day she is a poverty stricken women fighting for enough money to find a meal, and the next day she is a wealthy women never having to work again in her life! As a result of her living conditions throughout her lifetime, I can’t help but to wonder what exactly Jane Eyre is going to do with all this wealth, certainly nothing selfish! Jane is an intelligent and wit full women, she is not effected by the blindness of greed or unneeded luxuries.

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