Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jane Has a Family

Well after Jane left Mr. Rochester, the book became quite boring for me. No more Grace Pole mystery, no more Mr. Rochester, and then BAM. Jane gets a large inheritance and has finally found some family. Although I can't help but think she is still somewhat un-happy. Seeing St. John and Rosamond in love, she can relate to their struggle. Like her and Rochester, they cannot be wed because St. John's holy duty to be a missionary. Jane wakes up in the middle of the night due to nightmares of Rochester. He can't leave her mind. Jane is too restless to stay at Morton for long. Once a substitute is found, I feel she will leave again. To where? Who knows. Jane is a very unpredictable character. Her heart will tell her to go one place, her brain another. I hope another mystery starts to unfold. I'm rather bored with book as it stands now. I guess Romance novels just really aren't my type of book. I hope the ending isn't something lame like she dies alone. I hope she goes back to Thornfield, marries Rochester, adopts Adele, and takes care of crazy old Bertha while living wit her new cousins. 


Carl Schroedl said...

I like how Bronte does that to the reader, draws you in with a mystery but not telling all the answers so you are left with questions. When it all unfolds Jane moves on. For that segment the book is dull but then unfolds into another exiting mystery.

David Lavender said...

After the revelation of Bertha, I suppose it'd be hard to maintain the level of excitement (though isn't it pretty cool when Jane is reduced to begging and eating pig slop?). Keep reading, and you might find your hopes rewarded!