Thursday, September 25, 2008

Josh's analysis Through Chapter 34

Here is an old post I found in Microsoft word.  I must have forgotten to post it yesterday.  This might be a bit outdated, but whatever:
To begin with, does anybody else find it eerie that St. John Rivers proposes to his own cousin?  Does he have a fetish for his own kin?  He does propose to Jane after learning that she is his cousin.  In all seriousness though, his reason for proposing is indeed very selfish.  Truly, what leads him to believe that Jane would be a better missionary wife than Ms. Oliver?  Sure, Jane may be more intelligent, and less frivolous, but as the novel has proven, Jane is very frail and susceptible to illness.  She wouldn't last long in rural India.  Plus, she is hideous compared to Oliver.  And as aforementioned, Jane and St. John are kin!  In addition, I find it very appalling that after Jane rebuffs St. John's selfish proposal, he gives her the cold shoulder.  Sure, he may be disappointed, but such behavior is shallow, especially for a priest.  All of this considered, I prognosticate that Jane will return to Rochester.

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