Sunday, September 21, 2008


After our little debate on Friday I got to thinking, is what Mr. R did really that bad.  Before we had our discussion I thought what R. did was terrible, deceptive, and just plain wrong.  However some very valid points came up.  First of all he was tricked into marrying this women for the money (of course) and he didn't really know her.  As valid as this argument may seem I have to say that him being tricked into the marriage just makes him seem stupid, and I'm not a fan of people who are stupid and can't make decisions for themselves.  Secondly Mr. R. did take Adele into custody even though she wasn't his child and he did continue to care for his crazy wife, but he seems to be iching to get rid of little Adele, and as for his crazy wife, it doesn't really sound like she was crazy so much as promiscuous and that just shows me that Mr. R. is sexist.  After Mr. R. finds out his wife is sleeping around he locks her up and proceeds to take up a life of promiscuity for himself.  Finally there was the argument that Mr. R. really did love Jane.  Personally I feel that it doesn't take just love to make a marriage work, I don't think it takes just love to make anything work.  Love is just an emotion, if it's strong enough it will motivate you to work for something but you still have to work, you can't expect and emotion to fix things when they get screwed up, so Mr. R. may have had enough love but I'm not sure that the love was producing enough motivation to work for what he loved.   I think that Jane made the correct decision in leaving Thornfield, she could have planned a little better, but I think the best thing was for her to leave because if she stayed she would have been in for a lot of pain and suffering.  


David Lavender said...

Great post! I enjoyed seeing firsthand how you have refined your attitudes toward characters and events based upon our class discussion on Friday. Things will slow down a bit, but I bet you'll find them picking up again before too long!

TJT said...

Thats a very good argument. Is it fair for Rochester to lock his wife up in a room, for having some promiscuous encounters. It is a bit hypocritical for him to go and try and have some kind of an affair with jane. Commiting the marriage of two wives was not an idea that was widely accepted in the time of this book.

Meg said...

Yo Jac... I completely agree! I think it's so lame that he kept all of the crazy wife locked up in the attic stuff to himself and I also agree that relying on the argument of an arranged marriage is just not enough to justify Rochester's behavior.