Thursday, September 25, 2008

Leaving Rochester!!!!!

These blogs are from quite awhile ago but for some odd reason they didn't post when I tried to. None the less I thought that I would still post them. I must say I was so glad Jane Eyre had finally left Rochester. Her love for him seemed to blind her of her real passion of life and pursuit of the right path. I believe Jane Eyre to be fighting within herself of doing what she felt nature (God) was leading her to, and fulfilling her sexual and fleshy pleasures. Even thought it pained both her and Rochester by the rift within there hearts by saying goodbye, I believe that in the end Jane will be much happier. Jane’s call of being wild, passionate, and free I feel will be stronger than any of Jane’s emotions. She has been left in poverty for the majority of her life and follows logic. Her logic leads to imagination, which then leads to a fiery passion within herself of longings of change, the unknown, and the pursuit of justness.

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