Sunday, September 21, 2008

A New Life

The new chapters we've read have been like starting a whole new book. Jane fled from Thornfield leaving Rochester and poor little Adele. That's what I would have done is just left, it shows Jane's independence that she had all along. Once arriving in the little town with no money the events of her being a begger just don't seem to fit Jane's personality, I thought she was stronger. But she later resolves the problem. When Jane is taken in a Moore House the sisters remind me of Jane herself. St John's first impression was better than Rochester's and he proved to be a more friendly and consistent friend toward Jane. This story of Jane Eyre is getting a little long though, I feel like Bronte is dragging her story on a little too long. When the sisters and St John get the letter informing them of their inheritance, I believe Bronte is showing the reader that Jane will soon be rewarded somehow, perhaps her Uncle's inheritance for being a genuine and truthful person like the sisters and brother. The job opportunity of being at Vale Hall  brings back memories of Miss Temple, I can see Jane resembling her teaching style and care for the orphans there. I don't know if anything will evolve between St John and Jane. When Jane is without a home she again goes to nature for support. She talks about her being her mother for caring, she never had a mother so nature was there. However, this time nature didn't provide so well for her, this could be resembling that she is old enough now to not rely on a mother like figure. The dark versus light aspect of good versus bad is in the section when Jane is spying on the sisters before being invited in by St John. I don't really have anything to predict right now. I keep waiting for a reappearance of Mr. Mason or her uncle or someone tying the past to her present life at Vale Hall. I kind of think that Jane is being very deceptive toward St John, almost the same way Rochester was deceptive toward Jane at Thornfield. Well I guess I'll read and see what happens to Jane and where she ends up. 

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Good post (and I admire how you are making so many connections to previous events in the novel). Keep reading, and let me know if things pick up for you again (you may be right to argue that this Moor House/Marsh End stuff is just filler--but then, what alternative action would have satisfied you? Where else could Jane have gone?