Monday, September 22, 2008

Josh's Analysis Through Chap 31

I realize that it has been a while since I last imparted my thoughts on you all, and that much has transpired, but I will try to keep my post as recent as possible. To begin, it might just be me, but I think that Jane is related to the Rivers' dead uncle John, and that she is the closer relative that received that will soon be endowed with John's fortune. Before you dismiss this possiblity, because you would naturally assume that John's last name is Rivers, I suppose that it the Rivers' mom could be John's sister, hence the difference in last names. In addition, I do commend Jane for committing to this teaching gig, thus fulfilling her promise to St. John. I do, however, not sympathize with her given the currently mundane and degrading work that she is currently doing. Finally, it seems to me as if Jane is a much worse christian than she has been in the past. I'm in a hurry, so I'm sorry that this post is so terse and brief.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...


An interesting rumination on potential genealogy (if you're right, wouldn't this mean that Jane, Diana, Mary and St. John are all cousins? Wouldn't this be a tad too coincidental? (Jane stumbles, impoverished and desperate, on the very doorstep of relatives that were previously unbeknownst to her?). I mean, I like the way your mind works, but this seems a little too pat.