Monday, September 22, 2008

A New Beginning

Even though Jane has ran away from Thornfield and her groom, I am glad she has started a new life. A fresh beginning might help her realize the life she left behind was the right life for her. I like that she is a teacher now for an all girls school where she can use her education to her advantage to help out girls who may otherwise have never been educated. She will change the lives of many poor farm girls and give them a chance for a brighter future. Furthermore, it was extremely kind of hey host family to give her that much time to recooperate and recover to her full health. I expected them to want her to help out around the house and be an extra hand in return for saving her. I would like to see that family all come back together and live in the same house as they did up at Marshes End. They all loved it and hated to see their time there run out. I wonder if Jane's friend that set her up as the mistress will be right about her only staying a year. Maybe she will get sick of the solitude and want to be back in a busy house (Thornfield). I can not believe that Jane would not tell her host family the truth. She did not want to reveal her name nor her story. If I was in the family that took her in, at first I would not be sure if I could trust her. I guess her clothing and education helped. I would like to see Jane go back and tell them the truth and therefore they will be able to trust each other more than before.


David Lavender said...

I'm glad that you're enjoying these new developments in the novel (a "new beginning" is an apt way to put it). I think you're right to wonder that the Rivers crew are so quick to take her in. What does this say about Bronte's notion of "sympathy"--the notion that certain people have a natural affinity and are thus drawn to each other? Hmmm...

TJT said...

I like your post it is very well thought out. Jane should start a new life. You can tell that she is on her way with the start of the teaching gig she has. Maybe her life is meant to be shitty. Maybe there is nothing she can do. But on the otherhand she has a great start. There is only one way to tell, keep reading

Juliette. said...

Jane has already been through the educating stage of her life at Lowood. Now is her time to take her education and do something worthy with it, and of course find a man to love and live with it. Yes it is a very cordial setting - her in solitude teaching a poor all girls school, but don't you think Jane deserves some passion in her life. Also i think it was right of her to conceal some negative aspects of her past, because they could imply a wrong message about her character. Also, the family that took her in would probably wouldn't know what to think of her, if they had known she had left Mr. Rochester, the love of her life.