Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ch. 24-25 response

So, Grace Poole is an interesting character for sure...the only time we see her is when she is having some sort of psychotic episode! In chapter 25, she is going through Jane's closet and ripping her veil. To me, it seems as if all of her shinanigans have occurred after she saw Jane and Rochester interacting, and after everything she has done to Jane, it appears to me like she is doing these things out of jealousy. I think that she and Rochester had a past and that may also be what Rochester was referring to when he said that he would give her an explanation for the events after they have been married for a year and a day.
Also, about Jane's impending marriage to Rochester...I love that Jane is getting married to someone she loves, but now she is committed to someone and I am afraid that she will soon be put into a position of inferiority; she already doesn't feel comfortable with the difference in class between she and Rochester. But we will soon see!

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

A position of "inferiority"--how prescient of you! Read just a little bit more, and then let me know what you think!