Friday, September 19, 2008

Jane vs. Rochester

Jane's really starting to piss me off. I can understand her anger at Rochester for keeping that huge secret but still. Rochester had a totally legitimate reason. I would have done the same thing if I had a psycho for a wife. Even though jane keeps telling herself that she loves Rochester and forgives him and what not, she still leaves. My question is why? Not only is it going against her own feelings, but it is extremely cruel towards Rochester. Don't get me wrong, Rochester has his own faults too. For instance, when he threatens rape while explaining to Jane his story. That would be Jane's only legitimate reason for leaving him however. She even tells herself that she forgives him for keeping that secret yet still she leaves him???? I don't understand.
What's up with Mr. Eyre. All of the sudden we hear that he has been connected to the Rochester, and Mason families through wealth and what not. Why didn't Jane grow up with him? Why doesn't she go seek him out?? She seems to have no motivation to find anything out about her family history. If I was her that would be right where I would head when I left Thornfield. Yet, the thought doesn't even cross her mind. What a dumb, ignorant girl. She's really dropped a lot of pegs in my view because of her last few decisions. I mean what a bitch; leaving poor Rochester to suffer. Of course she may think that she will just turn into another one of his mistresses but I believe that isn't the case. Rochester was extremely infatuated with her, and expressed feelings that just glow with love. My conclusion is that Jane is mental also.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

I'm glad you had the opportunity to mount a vigorous defense of Rochester's "totally legitimate reasons" for keep his mad wife a secret from Jane. I'm wondering if today's lively class discussion has changed your perspective at all. Let me know!