Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Chapter 23 was pretty predictable. I mean, come on, who didn't see that coming. oh, I love you jane, not Blanche, blah blah. It just kind of made this harshly realistic story become more like a fairy tale and it pisses me off! Maybe some enjoy the corny romanticism that is this chapter but to me, it's just fake. He was going to marry Blanche and he just decides to blow her off. Yeah right. This is a fairly fantastic twist to this story and I can say that i think it sucks! it just doesn't make sense to me that this man of gentry would so willingly risk his passing on of his wealth and the fathering of an heir by casting Blanche aside. In 19th century England, the Gentry married the gentry. To think that Rochester would marry Jane would be strange, not because he can't love her, but because society will look down upon him if he does. that's at least how it would have been in real life. In the novel, like lavender commented on, it does seem pretty rich and real, but my obsession with History has made it tricky for me to take seriously.


Keegan Fairfield said...

Thank you for this lifechanging post. Perhaps you should try a little harder next time you make a post, you know, make some connections, instead of complaining about how terrible this book is. Great start though.

David Lavender said...

Crusty the clown...I don't think you've even read this chapter, or you'd know that it is far richer (with tons of connections both to earlier scenes and scenes yet to come)than 'corny romanticism/' Read the chapter closely, then write about it.

Danny said...

I agree, this was very predictable. It's kind of corny that the story went this way. It kind of took my interest away from the story.

Walker said...

Dude!!! This was frickin lifechanging. I couldn't agree more. Stereotypical "I love you, not her" bullshit. It gets old after awhile. I hope Grace Poole will get into it and maybe mess some things up; add some pizazz you know?

Christian Johnston said...

Yeah...more pizazz...lmao (Metalocalypse Reference)

Lexi said...

How is this stereotypical? It NEVER freakin' happens! And here is Rochester, risking his everything for the one thing that really matters! Maybe I am just purely romantic, but, I loved it!

Emily said...

As dumb as you might think that I am, I didn't see that coming. I was following the pattern that seems to come up, so I thought that he was going to bite his tongue again. I was kinda hoping that he would marry Blanche, then confess to Jane and make her his lover. It would have been interesting if that had happened.

David Lavender said...

I wonder if Crusty has any clue what's coming...just how "predictable" are the revelations to come? We'll see (lord knows, we've been given plenty of clues--but most of us may well have overlooked them).