Monday, September 15, 2008

This last section of the book has definitely been my favorite and most exhilarating. From Mr. Rochester dressing up as a witch to learn Janes feelings toward his wedding plan. To the unexpected visit by Mr. Mason and the mysterious events that took place on the third floor. The whole segments keeps you on your toes and prevents you from not wanting you to put down the book. I was most intrigued by the events that took place in the middle of the night that woke every one up. There was an era in these chapters that was a little creepy from the witch arriving and the mystery of Grace Poole. So i was not surprised that an event took place. My first thought was that it had something to do with Mr. Mason because Mr. Rochester seemed so startled to find out he arrived. Also that he might say something that would turn everyone against him. Maybe an event that took place between to two. I hope to learn about what it might be later in the book. I thought that all of this uneasiness would have something to do with what happened on the third floor. When Jane arrived upstairs i loved Charlotte Bronte's technique of not revealing exactly what happened. Now i want to find out more and it keeps the book interesting. Im also exited to find out what Grace Pooles deal is and why she is so creepy. Because of the teeth attacks it makes one wonder if she is really human. And if not why Bronte would create a none human being and give them human qualities. I also want to know why Mr. Rochester keeps her around, she hast to be of some importance in some way. This is all stuff to look forward in the remainder of the book.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Good post, Carl. I'm glad that the many mysteries in the book seem to have you hooked, and I'm anxious to see your reaction once (some) of these mysteries are explained. In the meantime, let me know your thoughts on the all-important developments in Chapter XXIII!