Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Old Blog

Hey so my computer was down so now I am trying to make up all of my blogs. Jane Eyre first struck me as a cinderella story as well. The evil step siblings and step mother who lived in an incredible house, where Jane is refused many pleasures of it. Her uncle dies similar to the father in cinderella, and she is the sweet little girl who has to suffer the beating from her new family. But this book then showed me it was nothing like that because in the first four chapters there was no handsome prince, we find out about Rochester later. Just like cleaning and the chores in cinderella Jane had her punishments for existing as well. Stupid John Reed is the perfect villian. I was really pissed off when he threw the book at Jane and her aunt sent her to the Red Room. How could you torture a little girl with fear the way she did? I could not imagine being stuck in a room where a family member I was close to died. That stupid aunt, when Jane cussed her out I was so excited and wished that she would just slap her across the face and make her look like as much of a disgrace as she really is.

1 comment:

David Lavender said...

Your computer's been down; I'm way behind on responding to these blogs. Ah, well. I know from all your grey hair (!) that you've read quite a bit beyond this point, so I'm anxious to hear your reactions to the revelations those pages held (and today's discussion of Rochester's culpability)!